Michael Ward
Trainer: Chris Gilchrist
Goal(s): Gain Strength, Flexibility, Weight Loss
Age: 47
Date: March 3rd, 2025
Originally when I started with Chris Gilchrist, I was just out to gain some strength and flexibility and to lose weight. I also had a deep fear of getting old. I see so many people 15 years my senior that have withered away, I needed a plan to help me stay young.
I had a very limited understanding of what I was doing and also a very limited schedule so I called Chris. He had been my trainer in years past to help me get started on this path with new found determination.
I have seen SO MANY health improvements working with Chris. I think I may be in the best shape of my life at age 47. I have learned so much more about exercise and how to be aware of what I am doing and how to approach an exercise even if I have never done it before.
Working with Chris these last six months has been great. He constantly makes it a challenge and interesting. He always explains why we do the things we do and focuses on proper form. He has made the process into something I can use forever. More than just “training” but life “teaching”.
Working out has become something I really can't imagine not doing. It offers a moment of peace and clarity. Outside of the usual strength and confidence. I have also been able to join the rock club with coach Ari and Hailey at F.R.E.E. Fitness. They are awesome! I have also started yoga to increase my flexibility. I feel less worried about participating and meeting new people. The thought of sitting at home watching TV or gaming no longer holds my interest.
To everyone out there, commit to a fitness program. No age is too old to start. Every time I go to the gym, I never look at my plan but instead just remind myself that I will just do 10 minutes of cardio. Start small, and don't make it overwhelming for yourself. Keep it convenient and stay consistent to start. Pack your clothes with you every day. You will end up going to the gym more often than not.
Thank you, Chris and F.R.E.E. Fitness