Ashley Salzl

Trainer: Max
Goals: Increase strength, Endurance and Lose Weight
Age: 38
Date: June 23rd, 2023

When I first started training with Max Larocque, my original goals were to lose weight and increase my strength and endurance. I was familiar with the basics of exercising, using dumbbells, and cardio, but I found that without a structured program or some direction it was easy for me to get overwhelmed and talk myself out of working out. I chose to hire a coach (Max) because I wanted to work with someone who could help me with a workout plan, who would encourage me and challenge me to find my full potential, and hold me accountable to stay consistent.

Since I started working with Max last year I have lost nearly 60lbs and over 60 inches. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and my cardio endurance has vastly improved. I’ve seen improvements with my asthma, my running, and my sports performance. I have completed my first half-marathon with two more in the books for 2023, and I recorded personal best times for 5K and 10K. I have made tremendous improvements to my mental health as well. I’ve stepped way out of my comfort zone countless times and have seen a ton of personal growth as a result. My self-confidence has improved and I am loving the person I am becoming.

Max’s approach to physical and mental health is above and beyond anything I’d experienced before. I was ready to put in the work and invest in myself and he was confident that if I followed the program, I would see results. Throughout my programs he has provided support, encouragement, and accountability, and he tailors my programs to bolster my goals and accommodate my lifestyle. He challenges me to push a little harder, lift a little heavier, or hold that plank a little longer, and in turn I’ve learned I’m capable of more than I give myself credit for. Max also understands the connection between physical health and mental health which is really important to me. I went through a ton of life changes over the last year so having him in my corner to support me, lend an ear, or share some pearls of wisdom, has helped me stay on track and continue to reach my goals.

My life has done a complete 180 since I started this journey! I am learning so much about myself throughout this experience. I am physically and mentally stronger than ever, I’m happier, more confident, and I have a newly found love for lifting heavy weights! I am proud of what I have accomplished so far and I’m excited to keep setting goals for myself, challenging myself, stepping out of my comfort zone, and seeing results.

I would encourage anyone to invest in yourself! Best thing I ever did. If you’re ready to put in the work for yourself, to make changes to improve your health and see results, get started! You’re worth it.

Thank you, Max and F.R.E.E. Fitness!