Ken Armstrong

Trainer: Matthew Wong
Goals: Lose Body Fat, and Achieve Better Health
Age: 63
Date: April 19th, 2023

In 2015, I had hip replacement. At that time, the surgeon lengthened my right leg by approximately ½ inch in anticipation of future surgery to my other leg. In addition, the surgeon put a “Z” cut into my adductor to help relieve tension. Because of the pain and trauma to my hip, I gained so much unhealthy weight. My heaviest recorded weight was 374 pounds.

When I first started training with Matthew Wong, my goal was to lose this unhealthy weight and live a healthier lifestyle. I felt working with a knowledgeable and caring coach like Matt was what I needed to be more accountable to myself. Matt truly cares about my best interest. He has guided me down the path to greater health. I respect him as a coach and friend because of his desire for me to succeed. I look forward to every training session with him.

Since working with Matt, I’ve lost over 60 pounds but in total, roughly 100 pounds. Matt has given me back significant mobility in my hips and shoulders. He’s designed programs and workouts that are manageable, but always progressing. This has allowed me to continue to coach soccer which is one of my passions in life.

I am 63 years old, but in 2009, I underwent surgery to have my thyroid totally removed, thus I’m on synthetic thyroid medication. Post thyroid surgery is when I really started to put on poor weight. Since working with Matt, I believe he has extended my life. Because of him, I’m proud to share that I am a cancer survivor.

It’s interesting when I reflect at previous photos such as the one with my old t-shirt. On one hand, it’s difficult to believe that I was that big, yet on the other hand, it doesn’t seem real that I was able to lose that much weight. During that period of life, I wasn’t living, I was just surviving. I couldn’t walk a block without sitting down. My hip and lower back couldn’t handle any exercise.

Matt has changed my mindset about my health and has taught me that this is a long-lasting journey. I look forward to the rest of my life because every aspect of my life has changed for the better. For everyone who has started their fitness journey, never give up. Keep your eye on the prize and you will be successful, no matter how long it takes.